Monday, 7 March 2016

basic needs of goalkeepers

As a goalkeeper, it is not just being he last man in defence or being a good and motivational teammate. being a goalkeeper must also organise the gameplay of his teammates and also hinder the game that could become an on goal shot. being a goalkeeper requires great physical and mental strength. the fate of winning or losing lies with the goalkeeper.

There are 5 main rules of a goalie.

1. Learn the general rules of soccer. Before you can develop yourself into a goalie, you should know the rules of soccer. These rules and regulations are discussed by and decided upon by the International Football Association Board (IFAB), which is a committee within the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA).[1] FIFA governs every aspect of the game of internationally.[2]
2. Learn the rules of being a goalie. Each player on a soccer field, from forwards to midfielders to the goalie, has a specific set of rules and regulations related to their position. Knowing these laws will help you be a better goalie and teammate.
3. Learn about goalkeeper equipment. Beyond the standard equipment any soccer player needs including cleats, shin guards, and a jersey, a goalkeeper must also follow the regulations on gear specific to his position on the field. From gloves to a special jersey, the equipment helps other players identify the goalie on the field.

4. Know where and how a goalie may play the soccer ball. It’s important for a goalkeeper to know where on the field he may play, from kicking the ball to throwing it with his hands. Knowing these rules will keep him from violating any of the rules of the game.

5. Learn rules specific to your country or organization. Because there are rules that govern soccer matches specific to certain countries and organizations, learn any differences there may be in your country or the organization for which you play. This will keep you from making mistakes that could cost your team the match. 


2 Playing with a Team

1. Pay close attention to the game. As a goalie, you are in the unique position among your teammates that you can see the entire field of play. By paying close to the game at all times, you not only help your team gain advantages, but also ensure that you’re prepared to defend the goal if the opposing team charges it. 

2. Communicate with your teammates. Since a goalie can see the entire field of play in soccer, it is important for him to effectively communicate what he sees to his teammates. This will help them know which opponents to watch or any patterns of play. The goalie can also provide motivation for tired or lagging teammates.[19]

3. Be aggressive and anticipate players coming down the field. If an opposing player is charging down the field to take a shot on goal, your job as goalie is to anticipate what move he’s going to make and then aggressively defend the goal. How you react in these situations can the difference between a save and the other team scoring. 

4. Attack every ball that comes at you. Any ball traveling in the direction of the goalie can end up between the goal posts. It’s important to actively anticipate and attack any ball that comes towards you so that you don’t give the other team easy goals. Meaning, even if it is kicked higher than your height, jump! 

5. Save shots on goal using your hands and feet. There are different ways to defend the goal area from catching the ball to kicking it or punching it out over the net. Choosing which defense strategy you use will depend on how the ball is approaching the goal area. 


3 Training Your Body and Your Mind

1. Train your cardiovascular system. Soccer is a fast moving sport that requires a lot of running over the course of a 90-plus minute game. Even though you’re guarding the goal and may not be running as much as a forward, you still must be physically fit and prepare to run quickly in and out of the goal box and even on the field. 

2. Do strength training. As a goalie, you need to be able to clear the ball from the goal area by both kicking and throwing it. In order to do this most effectively, you need to have strong legs and arms, which you can train with weight exercises. 

3. Work on your fine and gross motor skills. Being a successful soccer player and goalie requires more than being able to kick or throw a ball. Remember, a goalie is no different that a field player except that he is allowed to use his hands inside the goal box. You’ll need to train your fine and gross motor skills to most effectively handle the ball with your hands and feet. 

4. Speed up your reaction times. A goalie must be able to anticipate the opposing players’ move and react accordingly. Drills can help you speed up your reaction times, which may be the difference between effectively defending a shot on goal or failing to stop it before it enters the goal.[25]
5. Larn how to anticipate opposing players’ moves. One of the primary jobs of a goalie is to understand the mindset of opposing players and anticipate their moves. By learning how to read opposing players’ moves, you will be able to more effectively anticipate what move they are about to make, which will help you block shots on goal and determine the course of the game.[26

6. Understand how geometric principles can enhance your technique. Part of being a goalie is anticipating shots on goal, which can come at different speeds and angles. Having a basic understanding that geometric and mathematical principles dictate where a ball will land can help you to more effectively anticipate plays.[28]

7. Strengthen your mental stamina. Playing on a soccer team, including as a goalie, requires that you have mental strength to get through the ups and downs of games. By working on your mental stamina, you can successfully navigate any obstacles that might be present ot only at a game, but also within your team.[30]

Reader Questions and Answers

Answered Questions

1. How do you dive for the ball without hurting yourself? 
There are two ways. One, as you dive, twist your body so that you land with one arm flat on the ground and the other arm cradling the ball. Two, make the ground your third hand. Dive in a way that the ball becomes your cradle. 


1. Remember that no player starts out perfectly. If you want to be a great goalie, it will require a lot of practice, patience and confidence. Keep trying and don't give up! 
2. Don't let others blame you for defeats. Remember, even if you have made mistakes, the ball has got past 10 other players before you. 
3. Listen to your team and communicate with them. Soccer is a collaborative sport, so you need to interact with your team to plan how to stop the offense. 
4. Don't be afraid to throw yourself, I would recommend you buy knee pads. 
5. Diving is the key. Learn how to predict the opponents move and just keep your eyes on the ball and follow its movement. 


Even the most successful goalies make serious mistakes. When this happens, learn from your mistake and move on, but don't let it get you too down. 
When you’re playing, take care of your head. Many goalkeepers are injured in one-on-one collisions or by heading balls. 

by-Drew Hutchin

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